- How SEO magnets pull traffic from Google to your website like gravity pulling an object toward the Earth. (Deep thought, huh?)
- How to apply a “Dog Whistle Callout” to your SEO Magnet so you can make the right offer to the right person at the right time.
- How to select “money keywords” every time so you’re not optimizing your SEO Magnet for worthless keyword phrases.
- The biggest mistake marketers make when measuring their SEO in 2020. (Most pros even make this mistake because they use the wrong tool. The best measurement tool is free.)
- How to find and transform the content you’ve already created into an SEO Magnet that drives free traffic from Google.
- 5 free keyword research tools you can use to find the right keyword every time.
- How to get Position “0” results so you’ll show up BEFORE the first result in the Google search results pages.
- What Abraham Lincoln (and Wikipedia) can teach us about how SEO works in 2020.